Student Advisors

What does Skills Recognition mean? What do I need to do to get my skills recognised?

Skills Recognition is an acknowledgement of the skills you have learned from your work, from life experience, or from any previous training. Undertaking Skills Recognition means you can gain either a part or full qualification without having to re-learn things you already know.

For more information on this subject and how to apply please see Skills Recognition.

How can I change my program within CIT?

This will depend on the type of student visa you currently have.

  • If you currently have a Subclass 572 visa - All you need to do is complete a Change of Program form and submit this to the International Services Unit. A new letter of offer will be sent out to you.  To accept your new program you will need to sign the Letter of Offer and return it to the International Services Unit.
  • If you currently hold a Subclass 573 visa - You will need to apply for your new program by completing the Change of Program Form and submit it to the International Services Unit. If you are studying an additional program with another provider you will need to obtain a letter of Release from your University provider before you are able to accept your new program with CIT.  In some circumstances, you may be required to submit an IELTS test result before you are able to accept your new program.
  • You will need to apply for a new student visa if your new course end date is different to the course end date of your previous program.  You will need to pay for additional Overseas student health cover if your new course end date is after your visa expiry date.
  • You will need to submit your new Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCOE) to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) even if your course end date has not changed.

What do I do if I am unhappy with my results?

Every student has the right to question an academic result if they believe the result received is unfair.  There is a formal process to be followed if you are not satisfied with a result you have received.  This is outlined for students in the CIT Student Information Guide under "Academic Appeals" in the A-Z Information section.

You can view the 'Academic Appeals Policy' on the CIT Student Policies page for more information on appealing results.

Can I study part time as an International student?

A requirement of your student visa is that you are undertaking a full time study load.  CIT determines this as a minimum 270 curriculum hours.   There are a few exceptions, some examples include: if you have received Skills recognition (RPL; or if you have had to extend your studies to allow completion of your program. If this is the case you may be able to undertake less than a full time study load.  Each situation is different and the only way to confirm that this is OK for you is to check with an International Student Advisor in the International Services Unit.

What do I need to do if I want to withdraw from CIT?

Provide the International Services Unit with a letter advising that you are withdrawing from your program at least 14 days prior to the start of the semester or complete the Request For Withdrawal/Refund form.  This must be in writing, and must be dated and signed by you.  Please provide your full name and CIT number.  We ask you to provide a reason for your withdrawal as we will advise the Department of Immigration of your reason when we cancel your Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCOE).

I am not coping with my study and living in Australia. Who can help me?

Settling into studies in a new city and country is often extremely difficult.  Although we often try to keep this to ourselves, you are not the only person that may be feeling this way.

There are many people that can help you at CIT:

I want to invite my family members to visit me in Australia. Who can help me?

The International Services Unit can issue you a letter in support of your family members coming to visit.  You need to provide us with the full name and date of birth of the individuals wishing to come and visit you, as it appears in their passports.  We will then provide you with a letter which can be of assistance when your family members are applying for their Visitor visas.

How do I get a Tax File Number?

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will be able to answer any questions in relation to tax in Australia, and are also able to issue you with a Tax File Number.

If you do not apply for a Tax File Number while working in Australia, you will have to pay a higher amount of tax.

I want to apply for permanent residency after completing my program at CIT. What do I do?

You must complete a Request for Transcript or Compliance form and CIT will issue an Official Transcript that, if requested on the form, will state "Program completed".  The International Services Unit will, upon your request, issue a letter that confirms the program you have studied and the time frames in which you completed your study. Now you must contact the Department of Immigration and Border Protection directly or seek the services of a migration lawyer to assist you with your application for permanent residency.

I am currently enrolled in an English program and want to apply for a mainstream program. What do I do?

Firstly, find out about the different programs that are available to International students to study at CIT.  Then fill out an application form and submit it to the International Services Unit.

A Student Advisor from the International Services Unit attends the English Centre every Wednesday (during term time) from 12.30pm.  Advisors can assist you with questions you may have regarding things like: program choice; English levels required; whether you need an IELTS test; visa requirements and starting times for your study.

I have a packaged offer for an English program and main program but I didn’t meet the entry requirement for my main program. What do I do?

As soon as you know that you might not achieve the English levels you require, make an appointment to see a Student Advisor either at the English Centre on a Wednesday or at the International Services Unit to discuss your situation.  We will be able to provide you with the options that may be available to you.  These may include changing your mainstream program choice, undertaking further English, undertaking an IELTS test, and in some cases returning home. Each situation is different. Do not assume that your situation will be exactly the same as your classmate.

Who do I contact if I have issues related to payment of my CIT fees?

As a continuing student you will be able to apply for an instalment plan to allow you to pay your fees over a period of time. These applications are individual and are not guaranteed. You must apply for this option prior to your fees being due for the semester or you will receive late payment fees. Your previous payment history, and the reason you provide for needing this arrangement will be taken into consideration. A delayed payment fee of $250 will apply. You will need to complete the form and pay the required first instalment. Please note there are late fees that apply if you enter into an instalment agreement and then do not make payment by the new payment dates. Contact the International Services Unit to apply for this plan.

What can International Student Advisors help me with and how do I make an appointment with them?

Student Advisors have their offices at the International Services Unit which is located at the Bruce CIT Campus in Room C102. They also visit other campuses during the week to meet with international students.

To find out when they'll be visiting your campus see International Student Advisors.

I am unable to attend the graduation ceremony. What do I do?

During your final semester of study, you will be advised to complete an Application for Award form.  This form needs to be handed in to CIT Student Services at any campus or faxed to (02) 6207 4316. Or you can post the form to this mailing address: Awards and Banner Centre, GPO Box 826, Canberra  ACT  2601.

Most importantly, ensure that CIT has your current address either within Australia or overseas, so that your certificate can be sent out to you after the Graduation date.

Where can I get my official academic transcript?

You must complete the Request for a Transcript or Compliance form to receive your official transcript. This form is available from any CIT Student Services.  The Awards and Graduation team will send you out a copy of your official transcript to your home address.  This is one of the reasons that you must keep your address details updated with CIT.

Student visas have work limitations of 40 hours per fortnight. Is this different to Industry work placement?

Yes it is different!  A condition on your student visa relates to 40 hours of work per fortnight.  However, there are some programs that require you to undertake work in Industry as a part of your program.  Eg: Hairdressing and Commercial Cookery.  The International Services Unit can provide you with a letter to give to your employer that will give you permission to work additional to the visa limitation.

Where can I get a letter stating that I can work full time during the holiday period?

Contact the International Services Unit and ask for a letter for your employer advising that you can work more than 20 hours per week during the holiday period.  The letter will also list the start and end date for the holiday period.

How do I get a copy of my Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCOE)?

All you need to do if you require a copy of your eCOE is contact the International Services Unit and ask for a copy.  It can be emailed out to you.  A simple email asking for your COE, advising your name, CIT number and the program you are studying can be sent to

I have an emergency situation in my country and need to return home. What do I do?

Firstly you must let the Student Advisors in the International Services Unit know what is happening. Please do not leave without notifying us! You will be asked when you are intending to go home and when you are intending to come back.  You will need to provide a copy of your flight details.  Depending on your personal situation you will be asked to provide various documents. Depending on your personal circumstances, there are a number of options and requirements for returning home for an emergency situation, and you should speak to a Student Advisor about your particular circumstances for further guidance.

I want to transfer to another provider. What do I need to do?

If you have not yet studied 6 months of your principle program with CIT, you will need to give CIT a copy of the letter of offer from your new provider, and ask CIT to issue a release from studies.

If you have studied longer than 6 months in your principle program with CIT you just need to provide your withdrawal in writing 14 days prior to the commencement of the semester to avoid having to pay the semester fees.

Please refer to your Letter of offer and the International Students on Student visa compliance with the ESOS Act policy and procedure.

I need to extend my program. What do I need to do?

To discuss extending your program you will need to make an appointment to see a Student Advisor at the International Services Unit.  The Student Advisor will get you to complete a new application form, seeking an extension to your studies.  You will be issued with a new Letter of Offer which will also outline the additional Overseas Health Cover (health insurance) you will be required to have. New Immigration requirements state that you must have cover for the duration of your visa.  It does help if you know the subjects you have to complete, however fees will not be calculated for you until your enrolment is finalised for the semester.

What will happen if I do not enrol within 14 days of commencement of each semester?

If you have:

  • not formally withdrawn
  • not given the required notice period as outlined in your Letter of Offer, and
  • not enrolled in classes or returned to studies within 14 days of commencement of semester

…then you will not be allowed to study in that semester. This may result in your eCOE being cancelled and may have serious implications to your student visa. You are still legally responsible for payment of the fees for the semester and CIT will pursue these outstanding fees with you.

If you have a serious reason for not returning to studies, deferral may be an option, however documentation will be requested to support this. Please see the Deferral policy.

I have changed my mind with my mainstream program, and now don't need the same English level. Can I just stop studying English?

This sounds like a simple question, but it’s not. Every situation is different. We will need to see what your original eCOE was issued for and how many weeks of English are left until your main stream program is due to commence to work out whether you are able to stop studying. You should contact a Student Advisor at the International Services Unit to discuss your individual circumstances.

What is an intervention? How do I know if I need to go on an intervention? What should I do?

An intervention is a formal academic plan for students who have been identified as not currently meeting their student visa academic requirements. The requirements are that students must pass more than 50% of their enrolled subjects for each semester.

Students who are identified as at risk of not meeting their visa requirements will be contacted and asked to meet with a Student Advisor from the International Services Unit and their Pastoral Care Support Officer to discuss the support available to them as a student of CIT, and to put in place a plan for the semester to assist the student with achieving their academic requirements.

Students will meet regularly with the Student Advisor and Pastoral Care Officer throughout the semester and their progress and attendance will be monitored continuously.