Advanced Diploma of Community Services
I evolved while I was at CIT. I finally found myself and redefined my purpose.
I originally heard about CIT from a very good friend who suggested that I take a look at getting some qualifications that would match up with my passion.
My experience at CIT has truly surpassed my expectations. It has truly been a while for me to get back in the classroom as a student, but the teaching staff and administrators at CIT were very supportive, kind, professional, knowledgeable, firm and tough when they need to be and God knows sometimes we need that, but above all these characteristics, they are consistently fair and inspiring.
Even though I needed a swift kick from time to time, the staff did what it took for me to succeed and I will always be indebted to them for putting up with me and the other students, but that’s what great teachers/mentors do.
I evolved while I was at CIT; I finally found myself and redefined my purpose, not entirely because of their teachings but more because of their actions like; their respect, their beliefs and treatment of their student population and each other.
I thought I knew it all, so thanks for showing me that there is always room to evolve to new paradigms.
Did you enjoy the learning style of vocational education? What were the most useful parts of your course for you?
The poet Anais Nin once wrote, "we don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." I had a lot things going on in my life as I was attending CIT and the teachers and the administration staff bent over backwards to help and accommodate and support me as much as possible, therefore I couldn’t witness all of the learning styles. All I can say is the staff are there when you need them, so they were empathic when they needed to be and that’s really important when you’re thousand of miles away from home, just knowing they’re going to use every tool they have to help you reach your goals.
I personally found the kinaesthetic learning style worked really well for me. Obviously it had to be supported by the visual, audio and these things being done in a holistic matter, as it was, really helped. As the quote goes, people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care and the CIT staff actually care. That has helped me tremendously in my classes that I teach as well.
The most useful part of the course for me was believing in myself and my ultimate purpose of helping children and families, the CIT staff believed in me and that was inspiring for me. Thanks again.
About Canberra
What were your living arrangements in Canberra and how did you like living here?
I guess because of my personality I really didn't have a problem finding living arrangements in Canberra.
Living in Canberra was like living in a small town, which I actually found refreshing, especially when you are attempting to do great things because word travels fast.
This is going to sound weird but my favourite place to go was work, at a youth centre or a refuge or getting that call from a young person that wants to talk when they are stressed out or from that stressed out parent who thinks they need help, when they really only need inspiration, belief and support.
I worked for communities at work in Tuggeranong as a youth worker. I worked at Youth in the City in the youth centre and for there housing division at the refuge - I had the most fun and learned a lot from the kids. I worked for Richman Fellowship - I learned a lot and gain a ton of respect for these kids and their ability to persevere. I worked for the YWCA – again learning about young people and adults, staff, teachers and myself, we all have issues but it’s about do we react or resolve. What a great experience.
Did you get involved in any Canberra groups or activities? What was your experience of life in Canberra?
Yes, I got involved with the Lions Club in Gungahlin, I do charity motorcycle runs with the Vietnam Vets, I’m involved with a community oriented church in Yass who is also involved with the God squad that ministers to biker gangs, I also do the camp quality charity run in Wollongong.
My experience of Canberra life has been great and is getting ready to be even better.
About Future Plans
Get my degree at the Australian Catholic University (ACU), and continuing to grow my business of working with at-risk kids and families. I’m really excited because I have been approach to design programs for another company with the potential of travelling throughout Australia and maybe even more of the world, "the sky is no longer the limit". I have been blessed either way it turns out, we are already winners.