COVID-19 Information (Update)
Published: 12 Mar 2021

COVID-19 Information
The Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and has put measures in place to protect our staff, students and the community.
Travel and quarantine restrictions are in place in the ACT for people who have travelled to COVID-19 affected areas. These restrictions are law and must be followed by anyone who is in the ACT or entering the ACT.
Refer to the ACT COVID-19 Website for more details. The situation can change daily so please continually check the website for up to date information.
Check in on CIT Campuses is now compulsory
All staff, students and visitors are required to check in via the Check In CBR app each time they enter a CIT building. This is an ACT Government requirement as a safe and easy way to support contact tracing efforts. Posters with QR codes have been placed around every building on each campus.
You must check in every time you enter a different building on either Reid, Fyshwick or Bruce campus. If attending Gungahlin or Tuggeranong campuses, you only need to check in when entering the campus. You do not need to check out.
Be sure to download the Check In CBR app from
Please contact if you have any questions or concerns about CIT’s COVID-19 response.
Information for Students
- The CIT Student Support team can provide you with guidance referrals and support to cope with different aspects of student life including finances, health issues or even homesickness.
- CIT Student Support is offering free phone or online support for all students. There is counselling, advocacy, disability support, careers advice, youth support, migrant, refugee and international student support, equity support and apprentice support available.
- The CIT Student Services team can answer your questions about courses or administrative matters. The team understands it might be a stressful time for some of you. They can help with enquiries about fees and debt, concessions and award applications.
- The CIT Student Association (CITSA) and its Student Assistance Officers can help you connect with Government agencies and other support arrangements due to COVID-19 along with financial options, employment and general enquiries.
- The Training Initiatives Unit (TIU) looks after apprenticeship and traineeship arrangements at CIT. If your employment arrangements have changed, the TIU team is able to assist you to have your Australian Apprenticeship training contract updated. Additionally, TIU can direct you to appropriate support services available and assist with any apprenticeship-related queries.
- CIT International provides assistance to international students regarding fees and visa enquiries.
We will continue to post updates on this page, as well as on Facebook and Twitter. - Students or Staff who are self-isolating should register their details through the CIT self-isolation reporting form.
CIT COVID Committee Updates
CIT's COVID Committee is meeting weekly to coordinate CIT's ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic and assist with coordination, engagement, consultation and provide escalation points for issues affecting CIT and its stakeholders associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Terms of Reference (PDF 213Kb)
- COVID Committee Meeting Notes (PDF 180Kb)You can contact the COVID Committee by emailing
Facilities Update
Shower Facilities
One shower block at each of the major campuses will be re-opened for use by staff and students:
CIT Reid Campus
E block showers located on first floor next to the hall/gymCIT Bruce Campus
H block showers located on lower ground floor next to the hallCIT Fyshwick Campus
G block showers located on the first floorNote that in accordance with WorkSafe Australia, the following safety measures have been introduced:
- Shower facilities will be cleaned twice daily – mid-morning and after lunch
- Disinfectant wipes will be provided to wipe down frequently touched surfaces
- Users are to:
- Provide their own toiletries
- Take all personal items with them after using change rooms and showers
- Continue to practise usual good hygiene for change rooms and showers such as wearing thongs or waterproof shoes.Squash Courts
The squash courts at CIT Reid have also re-opened for use from Monday 30 November. Disinfectant wipes will be provided to wipe down any frequently touched surfaces including the door handles.
Water Access Points
Water bottles can be refilled at the following filling stations across the major campuses:CIT Reid Campus
C Block - 2nd floor near reception
D Block - 1st floor near D120
E Block - outside entry E26, in E16 & inside library
F Block - near east ground floor entry
G Block - near G25
H Block - near H15
J Block - ground floor near disabled toilet & top floor near cleaner's room
K Block - lower ground near K31 & outside K207
L Block - ground floor near L17 & top floor near L106CIT Bruce Campus
A block - ground floor in front of gym & 1st floor foyer
B block - ground floor & 1st floor
G block - ground floor Barn and 1st floor corridor
H block - 1st floor corridorCIT Fyshwick Campus
Blocks A, B, C and D - in workshops
E block - canteen dining room
G block - main foyer on ground floorDue to the restrictions placed on maintaining gyms during COVID to ensure user safety, the CIT Reid gym will remain closed.