CIT Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Published: 20 Mar 2020

CIT to pause classes from Monday 23 March.
Like other organisations in the ACT, CIT is undertaking business continuity arrangements in order to respond flexibly to our students and their training needs.
CIT has made the decision to pause teaching and learning activities for one week, from Monday 23 March and ask students not to attend campuses. This pause will give CIT teaching staff the opportunity to reconfigure delivery of teaching and learning so we can to continue to provide high quality training for students.
During this week student support services will still be available. The CIT Student Support team can provide you with guidance, referrals and support to cope with different aspects of student life. Counselling and support services are free for all students and apprentices including international and migrant students, students with a disability and students from equity groups. During the pause phone and online support is available for all students.
For information or to make an appointment with a CIT International Student Advisor, call (02) 6207 4662 or email
In addition to this, the CIT Students Association will also be open and available to provide support to all students.
Facilities and spaces across all CIT locations will remain open but we strongly encourage students not to attend campuses.
The facilities that will remain open include, libraries, CIT Fit & Well facilities for members, and the Reid Early Childhood Centre. Visit the CIT website for more information on what commercial operations are closed.
At all times, social distancing and personal hygiene practices will continue to be in place at all CIT locations.
We anticipate recommencing learning and assessment activities on Monday 30 March, and hope to continue through to our scheduled break on Thursday 9 April.
More information on CIT’s response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) is on the CIT website. We will continue to post updates on the website and we encourage you to check the site. Updates will also be posted on Facebook.
Contact CIT International for more general enquiries on (02) 6207 4662 or email
CIT Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- What is CIT doing in response to COVID-19?
CIT to pause classes from Monday 23 March.
We are monitoring the situation closely and making decisions based on expert medical advice provided by the ACT Health Directorate and the Australian Government Department of Health. We would like to assure you that our priority is the health and wellbeing of our students, staff, industry and the Canberra community. We are taking an informed approach that is sensible and respectful to our diverse community.
CIT places the highest priority on the safety of students, staff and the communities in which we operate, and is taking all possible action to minimise exposure to the virus. When notified that any staff member or student may have come into close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, CIT follows the instructions of the relevant health department which includes the requirement for the student or staff member to self-isolate. - Is CIT still operating as usual?
CIT has made the decision to pause teaching and learning activities for one week, from Monday 23 March and ask students not to attend campuses. This pause will give CIT teaching staff the opportunity to reconfigure delivery of teaching and learning so we can to continue to provide high quality training for students.
During this week student support services will still be available. The CIT Student Support team can provide you with guidance, referrals and support to cope with different aspects of student life. Counselling and support services are free for all students and apprentices including international and migrant students, students with a disability and students from equity groups. During the pause phone and online support is available for all students.
For more information or to make an appointment with CIT Student Support, call (02) 6207 3290 or email
In addition to this, the CIT Students Association will also be open and available to provide support to all students.
Facilities and spaces across all CIT locations will remain open but we strongly encourage students not to attend campuses. The facilities that will remain open include libraries, CIT Fit & Well facilities for members, and the Reid Early Childhood Centre.
The following CIT commercial operations are temporarily closed:
- CIT Hair
- CIT Beauty
- CIT Cafe
- CIT Restaurant
- CIT Yarauna Early Childhood Centre
Information for Students
- What do I do if I have assessment due between Monday 23 March and Friday 27 March?
While all CIT classes are cancelled and CIT students are encouraged not to attend any CIT campus, CIT staff will still be working. Information regarding individual assessment items will be communicated via eLearn. We recommend the following as a guide:
1.Check your emails and eLearn frequently, at a minimum of twice daily
2.Any changes to individual assessment items will be communicated through eLearn
3.Stay up to date with the CIT website as this is the central source of information regarding any changes in CIT operations - How will I be communicated with by CIT?
CIT will communicate the most up to date information regarding the CIT response to the COVID-19 outbreak via the CIT website.
If you need to be contacted directly, CIT will use the contact information you have provided. Please keep your contact details, email address and mobile phone number up-to-date in CIT Self Service so that you can receive notifications and updates.
For information regarding course material and assessments please refer to eLearn. - I am feeling worried and uncertain - what support is available to me?
Home isolation, quarantine periods and/or the spread of COVID-19 can be stressful and may leave you feeling concerned.
The CIT Student Support team can provide you with guidance, referrals and support to cope with different aspects of student life. For information or to make an appointment with a CIT International Student Advisor, call (02) 6207 4662 or email
Contact CIT International for more general enquiries on (02) 6207 4662 or email - Are there any restrictions on international travel for students?
Due to the increasing global spread of COVID-19 we are seeing frequent changes in travel advice, and disruption due to visa restrictions, quarantine measures, and flight cancellations. For information on international travel restrictions and self-isolation guidelines please refer to the Australian Government Department of Health website. - What happens if I am returning from travel
For information on international travel restrictions and self-isolation guidelines please refer to the Australian Government Department of Health website.
General Information
- Updated information regarding COVID-19 is available from:
-The ACT Department of Health
-The Australian Government Department of Health
For more information on identifying symptoms, what to do if you become unwell and how to prevent the spread of the virus download the ACT Health Information Sheet for Students in University or CIT.
The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment announced it is extending mental health services to international students affected by the novel coronavirus.
A dedicated email and hotline - 1300 981 621 (8am to 8pm AEST, Monday to Friday) - has also been established to assist international students with questions or concerns relating to their study and COVID-19.
All CIT locations are currently open during standard hours. Please see a list of our locations and opening hours.
Medical Advice
- Where can I find more information about COVID-19?
Visit the Australian Government Department of Health
Call the Public Health Information Line on 1800 004 599.
Contact your state or territory public health agency:
Vic Health or call 1300 651 160
ACT Health or call 02 5124 9213
NSW Health or call 1300 066 055
Queensland Health or call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
South Australia Health or call 1300 232 272
Smart Traveller
World Health Organisation